If you’re looking for great recipes, how to adapt your favorite foods to be gluten or dairy free, family lifestyle tips, and travel tips then you’re in the right place! Enjoy my blog and let me know if you have any recipes you want me to adapt for you :)

Pure Vanilla Extract (Gluten free, corn free, allergen free)

I don't have photos yet but they're coming soon!  

Imagine my horror when I found out that with my corn allergy I couldn't even use simple things like my regular every day vanilla extract. Boo. But imagine my excitement when I found out that making it SUPER easy and that it tastes even better than store bought. (Ok that part might not be true, it's not like I've done a blind taste test but just let me have this ok?) This is also a very economical way to make a ton of vanilla!


One vanilla bean

One fifth of grape or potato vodka (We use Blue Ice)

Throw the vanilla bean into the bottle of vodka. Wait 6 weeks. Now you have vanilla extract for all of your home baked goods!

*You can make this in smaller quantities. I broke off a smaller piece of vanilla bean and put it in a 4oz. Ball canning jar to test this out. It worked great and I actually can't imagine using a full bottle of vodka in my lifetime. But then again, I do a LOT of baking.


Simple quick dinners: Asparagus and tomatoes with chicken

Simple quick dinners: Asparagus and tomatoes with chicken

Chewy Almond Cookies