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Cinnamon Protein Rolls

Cinnamon Protein Rolls

Cinnamon protein rolls

I struggle so much with what to call these because they are cinnamon rolls....buuut they're really a vitamin protein bar. And to be honest what they really are is my lifeline. 

Living in this allergy house we started to get some nutritional deficiencies both from being exposed over and over to allergens and also from our super limited diets. I won't get into the details of my rotten winter this year but the happy ending is that with the proper vitamins and diet changes I am healthy and thriving. 

These cinnamon rolls are a take on the Chebe cinnamon roll mixes. Chebe is the one and only packaged food that I can tolerate - their mixes contain only tapioca flour and sea salt, cinnamon, or mild spices (garlic and onion for the bread sticks, oregano for the pizza crust). Their facility is free of gluten, dairy, etc. and tapioca flour is MAGICAL. It creates soft, chewy, doughy breads while being totally grain free. Tapioca flour is accepted on paleo and Whole30 diets and even some AIP diets. And it's so good. 


All you need to make cinnamon protein rolls.

I order my mixes on Amazon by the case and highly suggest it. I beef mine up with pea protein powder - this stuff from Source Naturals is AMAZING. With 18 grams of protein per serving and no side effects I am all about this stuff. It has a slightly vanilla flavor to me. 

The other magical ingredient in these rolls is Klaire Labs Vitaspectrum powder vitamins. Let me preface this by saying that this powder is DELISH mixed straight in water. I use the orange flavor which tastes like Tang.  But I always take my vitamins with food anyway and found this to be the easiest, yummiest, and most transportable way for me to take my vitamins. I put enough powder in to make 3 cinnamon rolls equal my daily vitamin intake (one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at bedtime) but you can certainly adjust for your needs. 


Alright let's get into it! The important thing to remember is DON'T FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON THE BOX. Because we are adding protein powder and vitamins those standard directions won't work. 


One box Chebe cinnamon roll mix

2 Tbsp. Source Naturals pea protein powder

2 scoops Klaire Labs vitamin powder

2 eggs

3 Tbsp. coconut oil (it calls for butter but we are dairy free and coconut oil works great)

3 Tbsp. water (it calls for milk but we are dairy free and find water subs perfectly)

Brown sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling


1. The first thing you want to do is preheat the oven to 375. I used to struggle to find and keep on hand safe paper baking cups (i.e. cupcake wrappers) but then I finally realized it is easier and less mess to just put them on a baking sheet. So I line a cookie sheet with foil. 

2. Combine cinnamon roll mix, two scoops of vitamin powder, two tablespoons of protein powder and stir until well mixed.

3. Add oil, water, and eggs and mix until well combined. I use a Kitchen Aid stand mixer which makes this WAY easier than doing by hand but it's doable either way. You may want to dig your hands in and knead the dough if you aren't using a mixer. 

4. I don't like the mess of rolling dough out so I roll mine between two sheets of parchment paper to avoid sticking. Roll out to about 1/4 inch thick and sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon to taste. I have done lots of different combos and even used regular sugar instead which does make a less messy final product. Play with it! 

5. Roll into a log and then pinch the ends. Slice and bake on cookie sheet for about 23 minutes (I slice into about 6 rolls, the size you slice will determine baking time and how many you need to eat to get your vitamin intake). 

That's it! Let me know if you try any variation that you would like to share and don't forget to tag #thisismykeywest 



Cinnamon protein rolls

Cinnamon protein rolls

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Simple quick dinners: Asparagus and tomatoes with chicken