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Food Prep Tips

Food Prep Tips

Buy in bulk. 

This can save you a lot of money in the long run! Buy in bulk from farmer’s markets, butchers, Costco. Freeze foods to use later. 


Make it a routine. 

I do my food prep every 3-4 days depending on how much I prep. I throw something in the oven then cut vegetables while what is in the oven is cooking to save time. 


Keep it simple!

Most people that are doing food prep are doing so to be healthier. It saves time yes, money, yes, but anybody can just grab a burger or a pizza and call it a day. The point of this is to get healthy so you need to keep it simple. A meat, a carb, and a vegetable will suffice. 


Plan it out. 

Write down the foods you like and want to eat. Make a list of the meats (chicken, turkey, ground beef, etc.), the carbs (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.), and the veggies or fruits you like (asparagus, zucchini, melon). Now put them together. Monday I’m going to prep ground turkey, zucchini, and rice. Thursday I’m going to prep pork chops, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Write it down for each week or month ahead of time. 


Use spices! 

Yes part of this healthier lifestyle is simplifying but that doesn’t have to mean boring. Use your favorite spices to completely change the flavor of each meal. Sometimes I do my pork chops spicy, sometimes salty, sometimes sweet. I use lemons or limes straight from the tree. It can give a totally different flavor to your meal and keep you from getting burnt out on the same things. I also prep ALL my meats on the BBQ because I just love that flavor and it carries over into the side dishes I eat. 


Spoil yourself. 

When it comes to food prep, ease is king. I have to do this three times a week for the rest of my life, I want it to not be a total pain in the ass. So over the last two years I have invested in a Kitchen Aid mixer, a pressure cooker, a dehydrator, nice cutting boards, and every little chopping, cutting, and cooking gadget my heart so desires. This makes cooking FUN and EASY and less time consuming. 


Utilize Pinterest, friends, magazines. 

I like to browse Pinterest for inspiration on Paleo boards, ask other health minded friends what they’re eating, and peruse healthy eating magazines for inspiration. It’s amazing how many ideas there are out there that you don’t think of when you’re stuck in a rut. Here is my Paleo Pinterest board. 

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Chebe Pizza and Breadsticks- quick and easy version

Chebe Pizza and Breadsticks- quick and easy version